Matt Del Fatti has been handcrafting fine concealment leather since 1978. A one-man shop, he hand cuts the finest leather for each holster. The nuances of his designs have been influenced by carrying a gun daily during his 27-year career as a law enforcement officer. Matt is an Associate Member of the American Pistolsmiths Guild. There are a number of gifted gun leather craftsmen in the industry today but this being said we have yet to find the equal to the talented Matt Del Fatti.
Our remaining stock is quite limited, and we are sad to say we can no longer order these fantastic products.
Belts are available in 1.25″ widths, even sizes, in black or brown finishes. *Please review the belt measuring instructions following the belt pictures.
Black, Brown
Many customers assume that their waist size for pants is the same as their belt measurement. This isn’t usually the case. In order to make sure that you get a belt that fits you, please measure a belt you currently wear. If you already have a heavy belt and are going to be wearing the same type of holster on your new belt as the old one, it’s just a straight measurement. If, on the other hand, you currently wear a thin dress belt and don’t wear a holster on it you’ll probably want to add an inch or two (depending on your pistol) to the length.
Measure from where the leather bends around the base of the buckle down the belt to the hole you use. Add length to that figure if the last part of the above paragraph applies. Whatever length you decide on will become the middle hole of five on your new belt.
HK P7M8 (Fixed Loop) | Dark Brown |
J-FRM (HKS) | Dark Brown |
J-FRM (HKS) | Cordovan |
N-FRM (HKS) | Black |
N-FRM (HKS) | Dark Brown |
N-FRM (HKS) | Cordovan |
SIZE 34 | Black |